Thursday, 5 May 2011

Devil makes work for idle thumbs...

When I searched Satanic rituals in Google the search came up with many websites highlighting crimes taken out in the name of the ‘devil’ or clearly have an underlying satanic theme. One story was of a 20 year old Satanist and a self proclaimed "Vampire" he was charged with assault for using a fork or spoon to burn the letter "V" into the forehead of a 17-year-old (ugh! gives me the creeps).
Also the search came up with a clip of 20/20 documentary series shot in the mid-80s exposing underground satanic cults:

Good old Wikipedia had a page dedicated to Satanic ritual abuse, there were even stories of it on the BBC. Also a book  dedicated to the topic has also been published, named In the Name of Satan: A True Story of Human Sacrifice, Devil Worship, and Murder available on the internet (for the unbeatable price of $5.95!).
But these satanic cults is not something which was a fad of the 80's it is still rife in this day and age too! A recent story in the telegraph about a satanic ritual abuse case, where four people were convicted of serious sex offences accompanied by satanic rituals.  The leader of the satanic cult faced a lengthy jail sentence after being found guilty of multiple counts of rape and child abuse.
                                                     Colin Batley - Cult Leader
I've given you the information about satanic ritual abuse, what is your take on it? I feel it is perverse and disgusting, just another name for peodophillic crimes that need to be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. They want to perform these acts because of who they are but it's easier to shift the blame and have somebody or something share the blame and this case that something is satanism. Its gives it's believers the right almost to commit evil acts, what strikes me is how openly governments are banning literature that might even slightly encourage as they call it Islamic extremism and rightfully so but please you should have the same rules for everybody and so ban satanic books that encourage evil acts.
